Tag Archive for: lemuria


Hello Astralers! This time we will present a thematic Astral event reportage in July 31st, 2022. Previously, the team had provided a poll in the telegram group aimed at determining the destination for astral travel. The highest poll will certainly be the destination for the first astral travel. And it turns out that many choose the Lemurian Civilization as their travel destination.

This event is so special because the participants will be in the same timeframe. Which means participants will find a lot in common. And as usual, participants must write down whatever they observe, be it visual, taste, touch, smell, or hearing. There is no special preparation, just position yourself as comfortable as possible, and as much as possible get rid of all references you have, be neutral. On cue, just focus on feeling and following, don’t resist. All participants will be picked up, as long as they have filled in the attendance in the Astral Journal main group.

The recommended position is a sitting position. It could also be by lying down, but participants must be prepared to swallow the bitter pill of regret for falling asleep. Hehe.

Without further ado, let’s see the testimonials of the participants.

Translation :

Eko: It’s like in a ship with many people on the outskirts, there’s like a black freeway, like Bandung soreang road, and there are many valleys and lakes.

Indra: I felt the cold sensation from the left side of the body, try to follow it and shifted my body to the left, the sensation was gone.

Admin: Carry on.

M416: The ringing sound in the ears is getting louder.

Ida: There is a sound in the ears like being in the forest at night.

Agus: At the early departure hour, there is a strong wind blowing in from outside…

Translation :

Admin: Everyone is already connected. For beginners in astral traveling, try put the mobile phone down, and set a timer. Feel and follow whatever the sensation is.

Surya: I just felt the heat on my back that spreads to the whole body, for visuals I haven’t seen anything.

Pajar: This is the third time, the body reflex tells me to lie down. I was also doing breathing exercise, but it still seems like I was told to lie down.

Riyan: There was a pyramid in the middle of the sea.

Admin: Follow it.

Translation :

Admin: We are in a new world, learn as much as possible. Express the curiosity. Then the answer will appear.

Agus: The chest, neck, and back are already wet with sweat, but not cold, still warm.

Uta: Good evening, please give the affirmation, is the existence of the dragon only a mythological creature in its time?

Riyan: The soles of my feet felt like they are tingling. Similar to electric shock.

Agus: Even though the cold wind blows in from the window.

Translation :

Arkhydhamma: It turns out that there is a Pyramid-shaped Planet.

Alto: Is there a shaman? There was a white eyed girl who looks like a shaman.

Ida: It was like entering a forest, there was a rainbow mist, there was a big snake but I didn’t feel afraid, I saw the smoke of the volcano, there was a hut in the forest. Still in the forest, after that it was like there was a flood. Then i type while sitting.

Fathir: Unimaginably beautiful…

Translation :

Denny: I just felt the wind on my forehead and hair. Hands felt like as if someone was holding it, it felt like there were electric shocks. Looks like I’m in a amusement rides, but don’t know what ride it is. #astral31juli2022

Tata: Thank you Mrs. Ambar and team.
Testimony, I’m a newbie who just joined this group for a week. During the event, there were no indication either from visuals, sounds, smells, or wind. Only the head seems to want to look left all the time. I followed looking to the left but there was nothing. The tingling sensation from the start were there all the way to the crown area, it’s just not as strong as if when practicing using a relay.

Oh, and the last 15 minutes I told my husband to sit face to face, then hold hands. He also felt the flow of tingling sensation on the head. My question is, is he registered?

Translation :

Billy: The trip this time was not as deaf as the trip on last July the 13th. But the body still felt hot, the forehead felt tingling, and the crown area too.
The first scene, I saw a strange building more or less like this.

Translation :

Gilang: Testimonials and conversations with friends at 21.19:
“Only few visuals, following at the last 10 minutes”

“Don’t know if it’s just my feelings, I didn’t surf to Kendan. It seems that my comfort zone is also to Kendan and Rhamalla, never travel memory to other places”

“(The illustration above is not exactly what I saw, I just want to show the building). It’s a building like this, what’s the name? I saw a building like this, with one person in the middle doing a move with techniques. That’s what I saw as it is.”

Then when I read other testimonials, the impression was beautiful, but the atmosphere I saw was gloomy…

Thank you to everyone.

Translation :

Rafli: When the head is throbbing, the body felt light and it felt like something is creeping up / felt like leaving the body, but only for a moment. #astral31juli2022

Imam: Joined the third time, still can not feel the sensation except the flow of cold sensation. But I am grateful and still hopeful.

At 30 minutes I couldn’t focus anymore because this AJ trip was with my kid, who is more sensitive. She cried for quite a while. I approached and asked why are you crying? She said she was crying happily, feeling happy like as if coming home. She said she met and played with a Trondallo ( giant snake / dragon ). She saw a whirlpools and colorful crystal buildings. She said she wanted to just stay there… Wow, I’d be bothered if it was real…

Translation :

Dani: There is still little that can be concluded because the picture is very fast. What is clear is that at the beginning, there were glowing people queuing to enter, after that a voice was heard inviting them to sit quietly. I also sat in a comfortable and cool airplane, after quite some time, I entered an ancient palace, then my body swayed as if following the speed of the vehicle, sometimes going straight, sometimes going up, sometimes turning.
The last input that was obtained, stopped at a hill with a beautiful view of trees with the sound of birds chirping, there the atmosphere was so comfortable that I intended to be quiet for a while, sat under a tree and felt the cool air of the mountains. That’s all that I felt and saw, I’m still correcting and retracing it again… Thank you AJ team for tonight’s astral journey #astral31juli2022

Translation :

Darussalam: I met a very handsome man, who was tall and athletic, with long black hair, dressed in a tosca brown cloth, positioned in front of my eyes, smiling. I said Samprazaan (a greeting and prayer), He answered Rhampiaza.

Hery: Same, At first I saw a flash of lightning in a rather dark sky. Then it’s like there are floods everywhere.

Darussalam: Arkhy

Muhtar: At the beginning I saw the Pyramid above the water, then the visual changed to an airplane that was ready to fly, suddenly a flight attendant appeared and pulled me into the airplane, the airplane was crowded with many people, then when the airplane landed, I was confused on where to go…

Yup, same timeline, but the experience are different. If you want to know why it’s like that, you can check it out at the Astral Journal Testimonials group. In that group there was an explanations on why some participants saw beautiful things, and why some saw scary events.

That’s it for the thematic Astral-cation event reportage to the Lemurian civilization. Hopefully in the future the participants will be more able to accept whatever is felt by their body and astro-sense. Hopefully we can all reap the lessons of this journey. See you again at the next event!

To see more testimonials, please visit https://t.me/TestimoniJurnalAstral

Berikut pengalaman astral dari salah satu peserta JA dengan nama samaran “Kalaras”
Seperti diceritakan pada jurnalastral.com | @Arzentrha

Kisah ini diawali dengan cerita tentang suatu bangsa besar yang pernah ada di muka bumi ini, bangsa yang menjadi leluhur kita semua, yaitu bangsa Mu.

Pada 50.000 tahun yang lalu, Mu sudah mempunyai peradaban maju, yang sudah bisa memadukan tingkat spiritual tinggi dengan teknologinya yang super modern. Kehidupan masyarakatnya pun sudah gemah ripah loh jinawi.

Kendati demikian, bangsa Mu adalah bangsa yang tetap membumi, cinta damai, dan menjunjung tinggi moral.

Penting untuk diketahui, bangsa Mu ini sangat peduli akan alam dan percaya terhadap Tuhan yang Maha Esa.

Bangsa Mu tinggal di sebuah benua, yang keadaan alamnya sangat indah, dengan hamparan luas padang rumput dan hutan yang masih asri, yang penuh dengan pepohonan raksasa.

Siang hari di negeri Mu, terihat cerah, langitnya biru merona, samar-samar diterpa awan, terang, tapi tidak terasa terik sedikit pun. Udaranya sangat dingin, sejuk, segar, dan bersih. Terkadang, sering tercium aroma wangi bunga ketika angin datang bertiup. Sedang, airnya pun sangat bening kebiru-biruan.

Tak heran, daratan-Mu merupakan tempat terindah. Bahkan, disebut-sebut sebagai surga di muka bumi pada masa itu

Namun, pada 40.000 SM, bangsa Mu harus pergi meninggalkan daratan Mu yang mereka cintai, harus hijrah ke tempat baru nun jauh di sana, pindah ke planet lain, di galaksi yang berbeda demi menghindari konflik dengan Atlantis.

Selepas Mu pergi, ternyata benar, tanah Mu diambil-alih oleh Atlantis yang dipimpin oleh Bhallamin sebagai Rajanya.

Bhallamin memang sudah lama mengincar ingin mengekspansi Tanah Mu.

Sepeninggal Mu, Atlantis berkuasa, mereka merusak sedikit demi sedikit alam di benua Mu. Tetapi, bukan hanya daratan Mu saja yang mereka rusak, hampir seluruh daerah yang ada di muka bumi, tidak lepas dari sifat merusak Atlantis.

Atlantis bukan tak punya lawan. Sebetulnya, mereka juga mendapat perlawanan-perlawanan keras dari berbagai bangsa, seperti dari Bangsa Rama dan Athena  yang dipimpin oleh Hercules.

Bangsa Rama sejak awal memang diperbudak oleh Atlantis. Bangsa ini menjadi bangsa yang paling dijajah Atlantis.

Laki-lakinya menjadi prajurit/pion terdepan Atlantis ketika di pertempuran. Sedang kaum perempuannya sering mendapatkan gangguan, bahkan pelecehan.

Melihat itu, pemimpin bangsa Mu mengutus beberapa orang dari planet lemurian sebagai juru selamat untuk kembali turun ke bumi. Mereka ditugaskan untuk memelihara dan menjaga alam dari teror Atlantis-nya Bhallamin.

Lebih spesifik, tugasnya mereka adalah menjaga dan mengurusi semua kaki-kaki benua yang ada di bumi, membebaskan bangsa Rhama dari perbudakan Atlantis, seraya mengajak semua orang-orang Atlantis, terutama yang telah dirasuki Bhallamin agar kembali ke jalan kebenaran.

Bangsa Mu yang dikirim kembali ke bumi ini terdiri dari beberapa orang pilihan yang membentuk tim solid yang disebut Ziusudra

Sesampainya di Bumi, para Ziusudra menyebar dan mendiami daerah-daerah yang ada kaki benua, yang kebanyakan ada di Gunung dan di laut. Meski nyawa taruhan dan rasa kesepian yang selalu datang menghinggapi, loyalitas dan jiwa satria para Ziusudra dalam melindungi dorphal-dorphal patut diacungi jempol.

Kemampuan setiap Ziusudra dalam menjaga dorphal dari gangguan-gangguan dan serangan-serangan Atlantis tak perlu diragukan lagi. Meski ada 10 orang Atlantis jahat datang menyerbu dan hendak mengacak-acak.

Ziusudra yang tingkat penguasaan energinya sudah mencapai 40 persen, sering kali berhasil mengatasi gangguan orang-orang Atlantis jahat itu, dengan tangan kosong seorang sendiri. Hanya satu kibasan saja, 10 orang Atlantis bisa terpental jauh dan lari tunggang-langgang ketakutan.

Memang suasana sudah berubah, walau Ziusudra berada di tanah leluhur dan di bumi pertiwinya sendiri. Tapi, mereka ibarat tamu atau bagaikan pendatang yang terisolasi.

Ziusudra kerap diganggu oleh para Atlantis. Namun, lebih banyak mengalah, dan tak mau menghiraukan sedikit pun gangguan-gangguan dari Atlantis. Ziusudra lebih memilih diam, menjauhi konflik, dan pergi ke hutan-hutan dan gunung-gunung sambil memegang kuat kebenaran sejati yang ada di hatinya.

Mereka tetap fokus menjaga tugas dan amanah untuk menjaga dorphal-dorphal dengan baik. Bahkan, Ziusudra teramat jarang turun ke pusat kota yang telah dikuasai Atlantis.

Saat masa kekuasaan Atlantis, kehidupan masyarakat di pusat kota makin tidak teratur, mulai banyak hubungan sesama jenis, pesta pora, perzinahan, pemerasan kepada rakyat bawah.

Sementara Ziusudra, sehari-harinya, mereka lebih banyak bertugas di alam, dan lebih memilih hidup menyepi, bertapa mencari hening, dan menjauhi hiruk-pikuk perkotaan yang saat itu sudah dikuasai oleh sistem Atlantis.

Bersambung kebagian kedua :
The Last Warrior, Part 2