Tag Archive for: astral journal

Hello Astralers!  How are you?  Hopefully in good condition.  On July 13th, 2022, the Astral Journal Team again facilitated the Astral Journal group participants in the RE-TRACE event with the destination of traveling to Kendan, which is the universe memory and DNA library.  Alhamdulillah, this event can be attended by anyone, even those who have never tried or experienced astral travel before.  Only by filling in the attendance list in the group, participants can be picked up and carry out astral exploration, even though the areas where they live are far apart.

There is no special preparation.  Position yourself as comfortable as possible.  Participants are also reminded to be Neutral, Feel and Follow the sensations.

Translation :

How to neutralize the mind?

Neutral is not a ‘0’ which means ’empty’ with no trajectory of thought.

Neutral is handing over control to the organ that is working and playing a role.  Without expectations and references from the mind.

In astraling (astral traveling), the organ that plays the role is the information sensors in the brain, senses.

So, the mind follows the senses, following the astro-sense sensors.

And it should be noted that participants don’t need to be frustrated if they haven’t got any visuals, we have 5 active senses: taste, hearing, touch, smell, and sight.  If you can feel, then follow the feeling without seeing it.  Likewise with the others.  Another note is that participants must believe in their experiences and must be willing to share them.  There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed, because writing this journal is an important part of the Astral Journal.

Well, here are some of the experiences that were felt and witnessed by the participants themselves.

Translation :

Preparation. Please start to set the intention.

Password: Please recite any prayer based on your personal beliefs
( For moslems please recite ta’awudz & basmallah )

I intend to astraling with the team and the astral journal group.

Just feel if there is any sensation that is felt, follow it.

Focus your mind to just feel it, don’t think about anything other than feel and follow.

Translation :

Imas: There was a clear blue towers that are tall and round like pillars at home but bigger, the inside of it is like clear water and the outside is like blue energy.

Iwan: I want to change the visual, but I can’t, the current visual on the mind keeps on and can’t be changed

Imas: There was a girl in a bright white dress, her hair is wavy, slightly blonde, between her eyes there is a light green rhombus-shaped crystal, whose invited me to enter a room and when I looked up, the sea of ​​stars and planets is very beautiful.

Alto: I only felt the cool breeze. What place is this?

Translation :

Andy: My left ear was buzzing, sometimes there was a voices that are not clear.

Rob: At the beginning i felt hot sensation and then cool until now.

Rizki: At first it looked like I was in space, many airplanes entered a portal, after looking in the group comments, I caught glimpses of people with long hair wearing robes like elves, and I saw many places where the technology is advanced. I don’t know if this is a hallucination or not, hehe.

Gustian: New member here, I want to share my experience. At first my ears felt buzzing, not long after that I felt like I was on a advanced airplane/train like in Sci-Fi genre films, the airplane felt like passing through a glowing hole, and finally it was like floating in outer space. In outer space it is as if we are sitting against a backdrop of clusters of stars and planets…

Translation :

Imas: Just now my back right-chest or shoulder blades really hurt, then I asked for permission to access the universal hospital, I was then taken to a room that was all equipped with super cool equipment, and I told one entity about this pain, suddenly a screen appeared in front of me showing a war incident where my chest was stabbed by a sword and died in disbelief, and finally I went to the entity and said every event has a cause and effect as well as in a state of war, if you didn’t kill you will be killed, therefore accept it sincerely and with forgiveness, when I saw the face that was full of anger turned into a smile and said to the opponent thank you for all of this, and I forgive everything and amazingly the pain on my shoulder blade immediately disappeared.

Translation :

Alto: I’m a newbie, at the beginning there is no visual, i just felt the breeze, from cool to cold. Over time, it’s like seeing windows but it’s not clear, then there was circles, I don’t know what they are, the visuals was still not clear. Sorry, I was feeling tired, so I stopped. Next definitely would come again

Admin: Follow the pull/push, if you resist it it’s like a tug of war, and thus you’ll become tired

Translation :

Admin: It’s just needed to be paused / intends to select a scene and to make it clearer / detailed

Fajri: I tried that earlier but it seems as if the next visuals would appeared following my preconceptions

Admin: That’s the challenge, how we turning off the auto suggestion feature from our conscious mind a.k.a preconceptions

Dani: Excuse me, if I felt like I received something earlier from someone like a headband, clothes and even weapons, can they be used as a reference? I wasn’t thinking and wishing about all of that, I was just following the pull and movement of the universe’s energy itself

Translation :

Rob: #astral13juli2022
Visuals still can’t focus, initially i felt hot sensation and then it starts to cool off, then it’s like someone was pulling my body but it doesn’t come out, felt like being tossed around, the after effects makes me self-conscious, calm-relaxed, hopefully in the future the visuals can be clearer.

Ega: Excuse me ma’am, is it possible to access my DNA memory? Like who I used to be? When I was in Kendan last night, I tried to ask that question. It turned out that there were so many different people alternating from one to another. Some people wear old Javanese clothes, some wear Chinese clothes.

Admin: Yes you can, that’s the purpose of the Astral Journal

The experiences of the participants are different.  Some even get a message, one example:

Translation :

@asuh7: Maharishi. Who is he?  I was lectured and given advice

Admin: What’s the advice?

Translation :

@asuh7: Maharishi’s ( the great sage / spiritual leader ) 1st message:

“Let everything pass and go as it should. Don’t let the lust destroy your life, and walk according to the path that your God has determined.

You are the balancer of the 7 pillars (?) Don’t be unfair in your actions.
Your task is very big, but stay in silence, let the 9 warriors be on their duty, give them trust so that life goes in harmony with the universe.

There will be a war in the future, but don’t destroy humans and all life within. Greed is the root of all evil. Your duty is not to destroy but to repair.

You will feel the energy of the universe strongly, however it’s not only for you, but gives it to them as well” (?)

Translation :

@asuh7 : “Love the Goddess of Beauty and the Goddess of Wisdom because they are the balancer of the universal life, and build civilization with them in the building of love.”

Wallahu a’lam ( God knows best )

“I am the Rishi who was given a little knowledge of the universe by the Almighty God.

Don’t stay at one point
Don’t stay at one point
Don’t stay at one point

Spread kindness to all corners of the universe.”

Translation :

@asuh7 : The Rishi’s 2nd message:
“Know that every single bad thought of man will be a bad residue for the universe and will gradually destroy its (dimension). And conversely, every single good deed that is made and thought out will improve and beautify its (universe) existence.

Do not leave the weak and the foolish behind, guide them to the path and to the path of light. You don’t take them to their destination, you just show them the way.”

That’s roughly the experience of RE-TRACE event on July 13th, 2022. Then there are some reminders for astralers.

Translation :

Don’t compare yourself to other people. It will be an obstacle to our development. Especially if you’re just learning, It’s normal that the visuals you get are modest.

And don’t worry about the distance, because distance doesn’t matter.

Translation :

The distance has no effect. For those who haven’t got any visual, it’s necessary to remember, note, and underline :

Everything needs a process like a seed that grows.

Follow and be patient in the process. Because everyone is different

The growing seed should not be killed by assumptions, prejudices, and negative judgments

AJ 1307 is simple : relax, feel, follow, and write

No one is right/wrong, great/not great, talented/untalented.

Everyone certainly have notes about the journey of AJ 1307, this notes will be a benchmark for your progress.

Without notes, many will be trapped and feel as if there is no progress at all, and finally stop the process.

Participants are picked up by the Astral Journal team at 20.00 WIB (GMT+7) and safely delivered back at 21.00 WIB (GMT+7).  When the trip is over, and the participant has successfully accessed Kendan, then the participant has received a free pass ticket to access Kendan at any time.

Translation :


Today’s experience can be traced back. Just intend. This method can be used to find detailed information

This is the RE-TRACE event reportage on July 13th, 2022. Hopefully our experience will be a lesson to be a better person in the future.

Visit the https://t.me/TestimoniJurnalAstral link to read the experiences of other participants.

Hello astral travelers, in this article we will explain a little about the source and reasons for activating the Relays. Please take a look!  If you are interested in activating your astral senses and starting #AstralTravel, please join the telegram group t.me/jurnalastral  FREE with no prerequisites, #AstralBelumPernahSemudahIni.

Kendan Pure Energy and Astral Relays

Kendan has two-way energy vortex, OUT and IN. In simple terms, the Kendan’s vortex is a mechanism for recycling energy, purification of natural energy. This process produces energy radiation which we agree on as Pure Energy / PE which belongs to the category of quantum particles.

Because it is a purification mechanism, the greater the energy activity in our natural environment (the earth and the sky), the greater the PE it produces. We need to know that at this time the energy activities in our earth’s nature are getting more intense, meaning that the energy that is purified is getting bigger and therefore comes the responsibility to empower it so that it is balanced.

The question is: How to utilize this pure energy?

The Kendan’s core energy can not be utilized directly because the characteristics of its energy is very strong and damaging if accessed directly, what we can utilize is the radiation, which is PE. The analogy is that we utilize the magnetic field around the current-carrying wire, so we didn’t utilize the electricity directly, instead we utilize the results of its induction.

To take advantage of PE radiation, energy relays are made to allot it so that the radiation production can be distributed. PE radiation needs to be converted first from radiation to absorbable energy that can benefit the body, this is the function of relays. The way it works is like a transformer / trafo that converts magnetic induction back into an electric current which output can be adjusted.

Astral relay process simplification

• ( Translation of picture) :

– Astral Relay ( top-center )

– Kendan Pure Energy ( bottom-left )

– Energy Receiver ( bottom-right )

Relay function:

#1 Conversion #2 Distribution

Radiation production must be turned into energy that results in repair. The activity that produces the repairing energy, generates an energy that will return to the vortex and become radiation again. The more radiation that is produced, then we are required to be more active and creative when we convert it into repairing energy.

This is where the term ‘with great power comes great responsibility‘ is interpreted. This is the process or sunnatullah ( the rules of God / Universal law ) of how the ‘chosen people’ or ‘heirs’ or ‘generations of the age of light, golden age, spiritual age’ are born or become real. Something will come true and materialized if its sunnatullah is fulfilled, or the causes and effects that lead to it are carried out.

The function of breathing exercises / Inner Power (in a form of heat/warmth) ?

Practicing breathing exercise is a process of increasing energy capacity. Enlarging the diameter of the energy delivery hose/cable so that we can transmit more energy. The abundance of energy in nature today requires more channeling faucets so that it becomes goodness and virtue.

The “quality” of each faucet will be greatly improved if the individuals is actively and consistently practicing the inner power. So as more and more people practice processing the body’s inner heat by using astral relays to accelerate their energy, sure the more beneficial it will be.

Officers and ON/OFF Relays position

The relay has two position status namely ON / OFF. When the state is ON, it means the relay is actively converting and distributing PE. Conversely, when it is OFF then there is no flow of energy. Each of these relays has its own officers, namely the Avallon who incidentally also have the task of monitoring and maintaining nature, as well as specific tasks according to their “lakon-nya” (role/part).

SOP for accessing relays

There is one very important point in the Standard Operating Procedure / SOP that must be followed by everyone in accessing the astral relay, that is: only accessing the relay when it is in the ON position.

There are two main reasons that we all need to understand.

1. When the relay is in the OFF position and you still intend to take energy from it, then what you take is not PE energy that has been converted and functioned according to its function. The energy you take is energy from the body of the relay officer / Avallon.

2. Due to reason (1), the Avallon’s energy will be sucked out, thus hindering the Avallon from carrying out the task of maintaining nature and their specific duty.

How to maximize the benefits of the relay for inner heat acceleration?

In addition to participating in regular AJ events, such as ACTIVATE and POWER-UP, periodically the active relays will be announced its ON and OFF status in the telegram group. When the relay is in the ON position, you can perform accelerated breathing exercises.

Relays can also be requested to be turned ON by submitting a “request” through the group, this is very useful if we want to coordinate joint exercises that require astral acceleration outside the published event schedule.

Please kindly bookmark and share this information, so that everyone understands.

Welcome to the newcomers and first-timers! Let us guide you to do the astral travel safely, happily, and relaxingly. Please pay attention to the guidelines below.

  1. Every participants are required to choose in the poll/voting in the group. The poll will be the passenger list. This poll is important for our team to “pick you up”. So, if you don’t choose the poll, then you can’t be picked up by us.
  2. The participants can bring their friends/family by phyical touch during the event. whoever touches the participants physically will be picked up by the team.
  3. On the planned schedule/time, every participant is standby in the Telegram group. The participant has to adjust their time with our time (GMT+7 / WIB). They can be silent mode while still opening the group chat.
  4. After the sign “Ready”, please have a good intention for all of us and recite any prayer based on your personal beliefs (for moslems, please recite ta’awudz and basmallah). Take comfortable position, breath relaxingly, and calm the mind.
  5. The participant can open or close their eyes.
  6. After the sign is given, “Feel and follow the senses”. Don’t doubt, don’t worry, don’t refuse, don’t assume, or don’t direct the mind. Only feel and follow the senses. Trust your senses.
  7. Remember that we have at least five senses; visual, audio, touch, taste, smell. Receive the information using these five senses. Don’t limit yourself only in getting visual.
  8. When entering the astral zone/frequency with visual and another information, the participant can stay in the astraling condition while telling your story in the group, or at the end of astral session.
  9. After the participant gets the visual, sound/voice, smell, taste, or in astral zone,
    • Don’t be static, express the curiosity, zoom in, zoom out, look around you, right-left-up-down
    • Communicative and interactive, in astral or Telegram group
    • For unclear image or audio, just intend/request to make it clearer.
    • The images that change fast, please just request it to slow down or pause and choose the image you want to explore
  10. It is mandatory to tell you story in the Telegram group
  11. In order for testimonies to be seen and arranged neatly in our database (for an easy searching and progress tracking), pleasee add/use the hashtag at the end of testimony (will be provided in the event). For example, #astral21june2022
  12. The signs and password before and after the flight/astral session will be shared in the group when the event time is nearing.

Thanks for reading and see you in our next flight/astral travel event!

Want to join us? Please join our Telegram group (International) at https://t.me/astralinternational

Hello, #AstralTravelers ! On Thursday, July 6th, 2022, Astral Journal held an event with a theme RE-CHARGE with a focus on Recovery/Therapy, Calibration (so the participants can connect easier), and Astro Senses Activation. In this event, the participants just need to have intent that they receive and feel the energy. The participants also may find the comfortable position for themselves, such as sitting while meditating, laying on the bed, or in the midst of daily activities.

The event started on 20.00 WIB. Before the event, Miss Ambar instructed the participants to be neutral, feel, and follow (our senses). The given password was Ta’awudz and Basmallah for Moslems, and for non-Moslems, they could adjust with their personal beliefs. After that, they intended to receive the energy (Recharging, Recovery, Calibration, and Activation) from the relays. The relays are organic converters of pure energy. They are MOSYVATH, VAARKAS, MADEMA, and LASTHU. The participants were to choose only one of those relays. Is it okay to choose all of them? This was what admin said,

green-colored background, white balloon, testimony, astral journal, relay, energy, ne

Translation: In the end, it’s only one connected to us.

Back to the event. Are you curious with what participants experienced last night? Now let’s see their testimonies. First from the local group (Indonesian group):


Atep: “From the beginning until now, I feel the energy flow intensely, the inner heat feels like sunbathing, spreading all over the body.”

Dani: “When I channeled (the energy) to a patient, it’s like the water coming out from a hose. In Sundanese, we call it “siga ngagolontor” “


Riza: The head feels a bit heavier but it doesn’t hurt so much. I consider it as a sign of being connected. The heavy sensation slowly disappears over the time, especially when the event duration is about to end. It fully disappears when relays OFF. Energy around the body feels denser and the air feels fresh. After the relays OFF, the body feels lighter and suddenly remembers about the tea and cigarette, hehehe.. Thank you, @fallenty and all AJ team.


Rudi: There’s a cool sensation in the body, channeled to my wife like a fresh wind.

Aditya: LASTHU: I experienced a mild tingling sensation on my face. Also, there’s a heavy feeling on the back of my head. When I woke up, I felt fresh and not tired at all.

Yudi: #recharge060722 Relay LASTHU. Good morning, Samprazaan brothers and sisters, Subhanallah the experience was so great that I felt an abundant flow of energy and it flowed from tailbone moving towards the backbone until the head felt warm and experienced a mild electrocution. This also pierced through the area between the eyebrows and I got the visual of blossoming pink lotus flower on the lake. The scenery was beautiful and it was unpredictable and unseen before.


I was connected to MOSYVATH. In the beginning, I felt vibration on my head and it spread to the back and the hands. While channeling the energy to the backbone via tailbone until the nape part, there’s a rotation feeling from the right to the left. In 10-15 minutes remaining, I tried to channel the energy to my wife and in an instant, I felt the vibration in my hands. I programmed it for recovery.

There’s a visual of energy ball that had thorns and a picture of overflowing electricity. There’s also visual of woman, but it also felt like seeing the process of the woman’s growing up. I haven’t tried to retrace it.

Next, we have testimony from the international group:

And then, we also have the participants who also got visual during the event and drew that visual.



My child (9 years old) join in relay LASTHU. My child felt heavy on her rear neck because of flashing electricity. And I told her to draw everything she saw, there’s a big cloud, blue and yellow-colored. Above the cloud’s surrounding area, there’s a red, yellow, and blue-colored flashing electricity. The cloud produced the blue-colored electricity to the people. Around 25 minutes before the relays OFF, the right hand felt hurt and electrocuted.

As for me, I was in relay LASTHU. There’s an energy spinning in the tailbone and it felt cool. The energy was moving towards the sick body parts in the thigh, shoulders, neck. The coincidence was the muscle in that part was aching because of physical exercise (martial art training). The energy also made the central point between my eyebrows beat.



From the beginning until now, the energy feels so gentle, cool, getting inside my body. It also swirls outside my body around 2-3 cm. Suddenly I saw something like a tower that has the three metal branches. Each has the transparent crystal on the top of it. From it, something came out like the electricity. It’s strong but gentle.

After that, briefly I saw a beautiful, long-haired woman wearing a white gown, only looking at me and smiling. Her hair was silver-colored. She didn’t utter any word or behave rudely. Only smile and no greeting to me.


Probably, there were some participants who didn’t feel any sensation or get any visual. No problem. The most important thing is they had intended to connect to the relays and they would still get the energy.

That’s it, the reportage of Astral Journal’s Re-Charge event. Hopefully, we can take some lessons from this event so that we could be a better person. See you in our next event!

To see more testimonials, please see this link : https://t.me/TestimoniJurnalAstral