Hello Astralers! How are you? Hopefully in good condition. On July 13th, 2022, the Astral Journal Team again facilitated the Astral Journal group participants in the RE-TRACE event with the destination of traveling to Kendan, which is the universe memory and DNA library. Alhamdulillah, this event can be attended by anyone, even those who have never tried or experienced astral travel before. Only by filling in the attendance list in the group, participants can be picked up and carry out astral exploration, even though the areas where they live are far apart.
There is no special preparation. Position yourself as comfortable as possible. Participants are also reminded to be Neutral, Feel and Follow the sensations.
Translation :
How to neutralize the mind?
Neutral is not a ‘0’ which means ’empty’ with no trajectory of thought.
Neutral is handing over control to the organ that is working and playing a role. Without expectations and references from the mind.
In astraling (astral traveling), the organ that plays the role is the information sensors in the brain, senses.
So, the mind follows the senses, following the astro-sense sensors.
And it should be noted that participants don’t need to be frustrated if they haven’t got any visuals, we have 5 active senses: taste, hearing, touch, smell, and sight. If you can feel, then follow the feeling without seeing it. Likewise with the others. Another note is that participants must believe in their experiences and must be willing to share them. There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed, because writing this journal is an important part of the Astral Journal.
Well, here are some of the experiences that were felt and witnessed by the participants themselves.
Translation :
Preparation. Please start to set the intention.
Password: Please recite any prayer based on your personal beliefs
( For moslems please recite ta’awudz & basmallah )
I intend to astraling with the team and the astral journal group.
Just feel if there is any sensation that is felt, follow it.
Focus your mind to just feel it, don’t think about anything other than feel and follow.
Translation :
Imas: There was a clear blue towers that are tall and round like pillars at home but bigger, the inside of it is like clear water and the outside is like blue energy.
Iwan: I want to change the visual, but I can’t, the current visual on the mind keeps on and can’t be changed
Imas: There was a girl in a bright white dress, her hair is wavy, slightly blonde, between her eyes there is a light green rhombus-shaped crystal, whose invited me to enter a room and when I looked up, the sea of stars and planets is very beautiful.
Alto: I only felt the cool breeze. What place is this?
Translation :
Andy: My left ear was buzzing, sometimes there was a voices that are not clear.
Rob: At the beginning i felt hot sensation and then cool until now.
Rizki: At first it looked like I was in space, many airplanes entered a portal, after looking in the group comments, I caught glimpses of people with long hair wearing robes like elves, and I saw many places where the technology is advanced. I don’t know if this is a hallucination or not, hehe.
Gustian: New member here, I want to share my experience. At first my ears felt buzzing, not long after that I felt like I was on a advanced airplane/train like in Sci-Fi genre films, the airplane felt like passing through a glowing hole, and finally it was like floating in outer space. In outer space it is as if we are sitting against a backdrop of clusters of stars and planets…
Translation :
Imas: Just now my back right-chest or shoulder blades really hurt, then I asked for permission to access the universal hospital, I was then taken to a room that was all equipped with super cool equipment, and I told one entity about this pain, suddenly a screen appeared in front of me showing a war incident where my chest was stabbed by a sword and died in disbelief, and finally I went to the entity and said every event has a cause and effect as well as in a state of war, if you didn’t kill you will be killed, therefore accept it sincerely and with forgiveness, when I saw the face that was full of anger turned into a smile and said to the opponent thank you for all of this, and I forgive everything and amazingly the pain on my shoulder blade immediately disappeared.
Translation :
Alto: I’m a newbie, at the beginning there is no visual, i just felt the breeze, from cool to cold. Over time, it’s like seeing windows but it’s not clear, then there was circles, I don’t know what they are, the visuals was still not clear. Sorry, I was feeling tired, so I stopped. Next definitely would come again
Admin: Follow the pull/push, if you resist it it’s like a tug of war, and thus you’ll become tired
Translation :
Admin: It’s just needed to be paused / intends to select a scene and to make it clearer / detailed
Fajri: I tried that earlier but it seems as if the next visuals would appeared following my preconceptions
Admin: That’s the challenge, how we turning off the auto suggestion feature from our conscious mind a.k.a preconceptions
Dani: Excuse me, if I felt like I received something earlier from someone like a headband, clothes and even weapons, can they be used as a reference? I wasn’t thinking and wishing about all of that, I was just following the pull and movement of the universe’s energy itself
Translation :
Rob: #astral13juli2022
Visuals still can’t focus, initially i felt hot sensation and then it starts to cool off, then it’s like someone was pulling my body but it doesn’t come out, felt like being tossed around, the after effects makes me self-conscious, calm-relaxed, hopefully in the future the visuals can be clearer.
Ega: Excuse me ma’am, is it possible to access my DNA memory? Like who I used to be? When I was in Kendan last night, I tried to ask that question. It turned out that there were so many different people alternating from one to another. Some people wear old Javanese clothes, some wear Chinese clothes.
Admin: Yes you can, that’s the purpose of the Astral Journal
The experiences of the participants are different. Some even get a message, one example:
Translation :
@asuh7: Maharishi. Who is he? I was lectured and given advice
Admin: What’s the advice?
Translation :
@asuh7: Maharishi’s ( the great sage / spiritual leader ) 1st message:
“Let everything pass and go as it should. Don’t let the lust destroy your life, and walk according to the path that your God has determined.
You are the balancer of the 7 pillars (?) Don’t be unfair in your actions.
Your task is very big, but stay in silence, let the 9 warriors be on their duty, give them trust so that life goes in harmony with the universe.
There will be a war in the future, but don’t destroy humans and all life within. Greed is the root of all evil. Your duty is not to destroy but to repair.
You will feel the energy of the universe strongly, however it’s not only for you, but gives it to them as well” (?)
Translation :
@asuh7 : “Love the Goddess of Beauty and the Goddess of Wisdom because they are the balancer of the universal life, and build civilization with them in the building of love.”
Wallahu a’lam ( God knows best )
“I am the Rishi who was given a little knowledge of the universe by the Almighty God.
Don’t stay at one point
Don’t stay at one point
Don’t stay at one point
Spread kindness to all corners of the universe.”
Translation :
@asuh7 : The Rishi’s 2nd message:
“Know that every single bad thought of man will be a bad residue for the universe and will gradually destroy its (dimension). And conversely, every single good deed that is made and thought out will improve and beautify its (universe) existence.
Do not leave the weak and the foolish behind, guide them to the path and to the path of light. You don’t take them to their destination, you just show them the way.”
That’s roughly the experience of RE-TRACE event on July 13th, 2022. Then there are some reminders for astralers.
Translation :
Don’t compare yourself to other people. It will be an obstacle to our development. Especially if you’re just learning, It’s normal that the visuals you get are modest.
And don’t worry about the distance, because distance doesn’t matter.
Translation :
The distance has no effect. For those who haven’t got any visual, it’s necessary to remember, note, and underline :
Everything needs a process like a seed that grows.
Follow and be patient in the process. Because everyone is different
The growing seed should not be killed by assumptions, prejudices, and negative judgments
AJ 1307 is simple : relax, feel, follow, and write
No one is right/wrong, great/not great, talented/untalented.
Everyone certainly have notes about the journey of AJ 1307, this notes will be a benchmark for your progress.
Without notes, many will be trapped and feel as if there is no progress at all, and finally stop the process.
Participants are picked up by the Astral Journal team at 20.00 WIB (GMT+7) and safely delivered back at 21.00 WIB (GMT+7). When the trip is over, and the participant has successfully accessed Kendan, then the participant has received a free pass ticket to access Kendan at any time.
Translation :
Today’s experience can be traced back. Just intend. This method can be used to find detailed information
This is the RE-TRACE event reportage on July 13th, 2022. Hopefully our experience will be a lesson to be a better person in the future.
Visit the https://t.me/TestimoniJurnalAstral link to read the experiences of other participants.