Hello astral travelers, in this article we will explain a little about the source and reasons for activating the Relays. Please take a look! If you are interested in activating your astral senses and starting #AstralTravel, please join the telegram group t.me/jurnalastral FREE with no prerequisites, #AstralBelumPernahSemudahIni.
Kendan Pure Energy and Astral Relays
Kendan has two-way energy vortex, OUT and IN. In simple terms, the Kendan’s vortex is a mechanism for recycling energy, purification of natural energy. This process produces energy radiation which we agree on as Pure Energy / PE which belongs to the category of quantum particles.
Because it is a purification mechanism, the greater the energy activity in our natural environment (the earth and the sky), the greater the PE it produces. We need to know that at this time the energy activities in our earth’s nature are getting more intense, meaning that the energy that is purified is getting bigger and therefore comes the responsibility to empower it so that it is balanced.
The question is: How to utilize this pure energy?
The Kendan’s core energy can not be utilized directly because the characteristics of its energy is very strong and damaging if accessed directly, what we can utilize is the radiation, which is PE. The analogy is that we utilize the magnetic field around the current-carrying wire, so we didn’t utilize the electricity directly, instead we utilize the results of its induction.
To take advantage of PE radiation, energy relays are made to allot it so that the radiation production can be distributed. PE radiation needs to be converted first from radiation to absorbable energy that can benefit the body, this is the function of relays. The way it works is like a transformer / trafo that converts magnetic induction back into an electric current which output can be adjusted.
Astral relay process simplification
• ( Translation of picture) :
– Astral Relay ( top-center )
– Kendan Pure Energy ( bottom-left )
– Energy Receiver ( bottom-right )
Relay function:
#1 Conversion #2 Distribution
Radiation production must be turned into energy that results in repair. The activity that produces the repairing energy, generates an energy that will return to the vortex and become radiation again. The more radiation that is produced, then we are required to be more active and creative when we convert it into repairing energy.
This is where the term ‘with great power comes great responsibility‘ is interpreted. This is the process or sunnatullah ( the rules of God / Universal law ) of how the ‘chosen people’ or ‘heirs’ or ‘generations of the age of light, golden age, spiritual age’ are born or become real. Something will come true and materialized if its sunnatullah is fulfilled, or the causes and effects that lead to it are carried out.
The function of breathing exercises / Inner Power (in a form of heat/warmth) ?
Practicing breathing exercise is a process of increasing energy capacity. Enlarging the diameter of the energy delivery hose/cable so that we can transmit more energy. The abundance of energy in nature today requires more channeling faucets so that it becomes goodness and virtue.
The “quality” of each faucet will be greatly improved if the individuals is actively and consistently practicing the inner power. So as more and more people practice processing the body’s inner heat by using astral relays to accelerate their energy, sure the more beneficial it will be.
Officers and ON/OFF Relays position
The relay has two position status namely ON / OFF. When the state is ON, it means the relay is actively converting and distributing PE. Conversely, when it is OFF then there is no flow of energy. Each of these relays has its own officers, namely the Avallon who incidentally also have the task of monitoring and maintaining nature, as well as specific tasks according to their “lakon-nya” (role/part).
SOP for accessing relays
There is one very important point in the Standard Operating Procedure / SOP that must be followed by everyone in accessing the astral relay, that is: only accessing the relay when it is in the ON position.
There are two main reasons that we all need to understand.
1. When the relay is in the OFF position and you still intend to take energy from it, then what you take is not PE energy that has been converted and functioned according to its function. The energy you take is energy from the body of the relay officer / Avallon.
2. Due to reason (1), the Avallon’s energy will be sucked out, thus hindering the Avallon from carrying out the task of maintaining nature and their specific duty.
How to maximize the benefits of the relay for inner heat acceleration?
In addition to participating in regular AJ events, such as ACTIVATE and POWER-UP, periodically the active relays will be announced its ON and OFF status in the telegram group. When the relay is in the ON position, you can perform accelerated breathing exercises.
Relays can also be requested to be turned ON by submitting a “request” through the group, this is very useful if we want to coordinate joint exercises that require astral acceleration outside the published event schedule.
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