Tag Archive for: ascension

Hello astral travelers, warm greetings from our #AstralJournal team. In this article, we will present a concept, namely the “ the dark age and the age of light ” which will be closely related to the mission, events, and values ​​that we agree on in the Astral Journal community (hereinafter referred to as AJ).

If we hear the terminology of the dark age and the age of light, of course we have our own perceptions and references. Whether it’s the colonial era to the independence era, the pre and post Rasul (God’s messengers/prophets) era, the pre and post internet era, the pre and post electricity era, and so on. Some may remember R.A Kartini’s ( Indonesian national heroine ) quotes “After Darkness, Comes Light”. Let’s keep our personal references first and together we see the following presentation, we will start with a simple analogy.

We start from the definition in the Large Indonesian Dictionary:

  • gelap/ge·lap/ a 1‘ = no light; dark; not bright
  • terang/te·rang/ a 1‘ = in a state of being able to be seen (heard); real; clear

And if we look for the meaning of the word “darkness” then based on the Oxford dictionary, darkness = the partial or total absence of light, a condition/state will be called dark when there is no light. Let’s start the discussion, please read carefully.

An era called the dark age means that at that time there is no light, so in the dark age:

  1. Most people do not / have not been able to see clearly or fully understand what is around them.
  2. In order to see we need light, therefore in the dark ages it is marked by the presence of messengers who carry the light (Lightworkers). They are the ones who show/provide information. The analogy is simple: bringing news of what’s around, or shining a flashlight on nearby objects so others can see in the dark.

How about the age of light?
An age of light is like a daylight when light is so abundant, everyone can see clearly and fully understand their environment. An era where everyone can see and access the universe information so that there is no need for the lightworker anymore.

In the dark age, the lightworkers (of which there are fewer) are special people with specific abilities. Meanwhile, in the age of light, everyone has the same access ability, so that all are equal, and collaborate with each other because they understand their life task.

Dear #AstralTravelers, we need to understand that everything comes in pairs and cycles. We are currently at the end of the dark age towards the dawn of the age of light, an era that will span in the next 112 – 125 million years before finally re-entering the dark age. This phase is marked by easier access to universe’s information that was previously only accessible to special people. #AstralJournal’s mission is to provide the widest possible access to anyone to activate their astral senses, take an active role and to help open a new era.

AJ started with the hope that the seeds we are planting today will become a lively, vibrant, and dense forest. A forest that will continue to grow and be able to welcome the age of light. The #AstralJournal system that we are building today will be a legacy that will continue to be developed and passed down to the next generation. A “wakaf” (an endowment made for a benefaction cause) that will continue to facilitate and make it easier for “ordinary” and “beginners” individuals to dare and start open their eyes, begin to see the world, find their “lakon-nya” (role/part), and finally, together, equally, collaborate to carry out the universe’s tasks.

Also read: Astral Journal – We Grow a Forest

Is everyone can see in the age of light?
In the age of light there will always be a small portion of the population who cannot see. They are the group that consciously deny and close their eyes tightly from the abundance of light, which not even a glimmer of light can penetrate through their eyelids. Those who consciously choose to live by their perception of the world. But thinking about this group is not part of AJ’s mission. Our mission is to invite and facilitate, while respecting each individual’s choice.

Let’s help AJ grow by spreading the information, slowly and gradually educate that there is something big and meaningful waiting for us every time we wake up in the morning. The universe is calling, will you welcome it?

Fyi, we have an international group aside the Indonesian group. Please join us at t.me/astralinternational

See you there!